Making old tools
in new ways.
Keetra Dean Dixon
Keetra attended the Minneapolis College of Art + Design and the Cranbrook Academy of Art, tackling Graphic Design at both schools. She’s held the titles Designer, Experiential Director, Professor, and Artist – but whatever the task, if she’s making, she’s happy…and she’s currently ecstatic! She can now be found fabricating tools + experimenting with waxy goodness everyday of the week in her rural Alaskan studio.
Retoolings are a fledgling collection of our favorite creative tools reimagined. We've begun with hand-cast crayons that raise the question: To color or to keep? The tiny sculptures are excerpts of processes Keetra developed while fabricating larger scale wax works. Future Retoolings will likely include Retooling Pencils, Retooling Ballpoint Pens, Retooling Erasers, and Retooling Markers.